Thursday, 21 February 2008

Walk to School Conference: Clare Mulholland

Every Journey Matters,
Clare Mulholland, Transport for London
The final presentation of the day (before the afternoon workshops) was from the conference sponsors, Transport for London.

Clare spoke about the "Every Journey Matters" resource, a book and website looking at travel to school across the globe. I was pleased to get Clare to speak as I knew she had been working with the charity PeaceChild to create it, but hadn't actually seen the book yet!

They have done a great job of getting stories of travelling to school from all over the globe - I was particularly impressed by the children who have to cross a river by a pulley system that looks as if it belongs on an SAS assault course. The story about the kids who have to paddle to the next island to get to school, and were sent home for coming to school wet, shows that we actually have it very easy in the UK.

The resource was launched in October for International Walk to School Month, but the lesson plans, book and website can be used at any time of the year. Although there is a bit of a London focus, it is suitable for use across the UK, and indeed the globe!

We had hoped to distribute copies of the book at the conference. Unfortunately they didn't arrive, so we will be sending them out with the DVD we are preparing. In the meantime, check out the website:

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