Sunday, 17 February 2008

Walk to School Conference: Hodden Abdullahi & Blossom Young

A Teen View of Sustainable Travel,
Hodden Abdullahi and Blossom Young, Tower Hamlets

Hodden is the deputy youth mayor of Tower Hamlets. This post is voted fro annually by the young people of Tower Hamlets, to represent them and work on their behalf.

The elections were in full swing at the time of the conference, so it was not clear until about a week before the event who we would have speaking from Tower Hamlets. Add to this the fact that Hodden's train was late, and I am sure you can understand what an intimidating experience it must have been for Hodden to stand in front of the conference and talk about her experiences of travelling to school.

I felt I had to apologise to Hodden after the event, as we probably hadn't given her a clear brief, or the support she needed to get her points across. I felt she was hugely brave in very adverse circumstances.

When Hodden had spoken, Blossom Young (pictured above - a youth worker who runs the young mayor scheme) had a couple of points to add. Most interestingly, Tower Hamlets are looking at spreading their sixth form facilities right across the borough (rather than have lots of colleges offering the same courses). This would obviously invovle more travellign than is currently the case, so they have been asking teens what their opinion of travelling in the borough is. The major point of concern is personal safety as they travel through different areas.

While this is piece of work is for a wider report, Blossom hopes that it will eventually make it into the public domain, so I will post it here when that happens.

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