Thursday, 1 May 2008

The Department for Transport School Travel Statistics

Every year the Department for Transport (bless 'em) run the National Travel Survey. Until recently, this was the best source of data on how children travel to school (there is now a question in the school census).

There are good points and bad points to the methodology for both (both could be improved), but statistically they agree with each other - so the debate is immaterial.

The most recent National Travel Survey (2006 - they publish the results around Aug/Sept of the following year) is here:

This year, however, they have also produced a handy guide to all the stats you could ever want to know about travel to school specifically.
This can be found here:

It was published in March, but I have only just found it again. I have been referring to it ALOT recently, so I thought it was worth posting for others to make use of too!

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